"Together Achieving Balance"

39th National Indian and Native American Employment / Public Law 102-477 Training

April 8-13, 2018

Paragon Casino Resort, Marksville, Louisiana

Resolutions Passed at 39th NINAETC/477 Training

Resolution 2018-01: Oppose the President's PY 2019 Budget to Eliminate Section 166 INA Federal Funding and Create a Native Adult Set-aside in the WIOA Formula Program

Resolution 2018-02: Opposition to the Proposed Transfer of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Secction 166 to the State Adult Formula Program

Resolution 2018-03: Working Relations and Partnership with NABTU

Resolution 2018-04: Support of the National Apprenticeshp Programs

Resolution 2018-05: Consultation with National American Employment and Training Council (NAETC aka Advisory Board) at Every National and Regional Meeting

Approximately 500 people attended the 39th NINAETC/477 Training to hear dynamic speakers, have outstanding networking opportunities to help leverage resources and build capacity, and enhance skills to enable the effective delivery of quality services to our Indian and Native American communities.

Participant / Employer Awards

WIOA Section 166 Grantee Awards

Public Law 102-477 Grantee Awards

Thank you to our generous 2018 Training sponsors!


NINAETC Conference History


PL 102-477 TWG

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